When dropping criminal charges, there are series of procedures that you need to accomplish and follow if you are having second thoughts in filing a case and complaint towards an institution, group, or an individual. You have to remember that the processes will take much time with the legalization and approval of the court. Though you did efforts and procedures to drag it down, you must instill it in your head that the charges you uplifted will be dismissed eventually. It always depend upon the decision of the court and the severity of the crime inflicted by the assailant.
Accomplishing Procedures
1. Gather the necessary items needed for the case pull-out. This will include your identification card. A driver’s license will do for the case. But in case that you don’t have one, you can present any I.D issued by the government. Aside from that, you should also bring a copy of the complaint that is originally filed.
2. Have a discussion with the proper attorney in the prosecutor’s office. He will help you locate the appropriate lawyer who will handle the process in pulling out the case. As for the latter itself, the location depends upon the severity. If the case you filed happens to be serious with grave penalties and consequences, then it will be held at the federal court. For cases with minimal charges, it mostly occurs in municipal, county and district courts.
3. Meet up with your lawyer. Make sure that he performs great enough in practicing his specialty area. It is highly recommended that you settle an appointment with him to keep track of your drop off case procedure. Usually, the discussion will not only occur between you and the lawyer. In most cases, a victim-witness coordinator will also be there to advise and discuss matters with you regarding with the charges you filed against your case counterpart. The coordinator will also help you all along at the rest of the case.
4. As you try to lay out the matters with your case pull-out, you’ll need to be very persuasive and forceful with that matter. State out all the possible reasons why you should drop off the case. In most situations, the victim cannot instantly dismissed the case alone with his sole decision. He will need specific reasons to convince the court with his pull out request. In most domestic violence cases, the complainant has low chances of pulling out his charges and complaints towards his case counterpart.
5. Gather all the possible documents and evidences relevant to you decision at the court. Make sure that it is reasonable enough to bring out an approval with your case dismissal. The presence of witnesses will also be helpful. Make sure that their testimonies are relevant enough with the case.
6. While being questioned and interrogated, answer them straightly and honestly. The lawyer and coordinator may be tough and ruthless in asking you questions. But as long as you are true and reasonable with your words, then the court shall dismiss the case. But bear in mind that once you are successful in dragging down the charges, then you cannot come back at a later time to file a complaint again with the assailant. You must remember that case pull-outs are no laughing and easy matter.