Getting handcuffed is one of the worst things that could ever happen to you, regardless if you’re being hauled in for a misdemeanor or a felony. The combination of fear, anger and frustration may get the best of you, and it’s certainly not wise to let your emotions get the better of you. There’s always the possibility of you doing – or saying – something foolish which could harm your case in the long run.
So, here are several things to avoid doing if an officer is shoving an arrest warrant on your face.
Arrested people seem to forget the words “anything you say will be used against you”. As it happens trying to convince them of your innocence is as futile as trying to cut a rock with your fingernails. Police officers only need a warrant or a probable cause to arrest you. They don’t care if you committed the crime or not – it’s up to the lawyers and the jury to decide. Keep in mind that your plea for innocence will be used against you.
If you think you can run away from a dozen police cars moving to your position, then you’re probably insane. Whenever an officer shows you an arrest warrant with your name on it, don’t even think of running away: police officers would resort to physical force which will certainly injure you if you try that hard.
This could change a misdemeanor charge to a felony in an instant. Resisting arrest through pushing an officer’s hands away is already considered assault, and it could send you to a state penitentiary immediately. Striking an officer will definitely add years into your sentence, and it endangers you as well. If you don’t want to be tazed or maced, come quietly and calmly.
Invoke your right to avoid self-incrimination, as it will certainly save your lawyer the trouble of nullifying whatever you said in the patrol car. Keep a calm demeanor and don’t talk about the case or your situation. If you were caught speeding, don’t turn it into a suspected DUI by saying that you had a can of beer that day.
Also, even if you have a licensed concealed firearm on your possession, don’t tell the officer about it when you’re handing your driver’s license, since it will give him probable cause to search your car.
Unless if there’s a warrant, never give permission to search anywhere. If officers ask, it simply means they’re not sure what to do or they need your consent. If they forcefully do so, simply say out loud enough for witnesses to hear you as the evidence they found will be nullified. However, if there are empty beer cans or visible drug paraphernalia in plain sight, the officer has every right to search and even arrest you.
Officers are allowed to lie in order to get information out of their suspects. For example, they may say in the interrogation room that things will go smoothly if you just “tell them what happened”. Don’t believe it and just demand to see your criminal defense lawyer. However, if it does go smoothly – for both the police and the prosecutors – don’t confess right away. Wait for a defense lawyer to help you out.
In conclusion: keep calm and just go with them.