talk to a lawyer

What To Do When You Want To Drop Criminal Charges

By | Criminal Defense | No Comments

When dropping criminal charges, there are series of procedures that you need to accomplish and follow if you are having second thoughts in filing a case and complaint towards an institution, group, or an individual. You have to remember that the processes will take much time with the legalization and approval of the court. Though you did efforts and procedures to drag it down, you must instill it in your head that the charges you uplifted will be dismissed eventually. It always depend upon the decision of the court and the severity of the crime inflicted by the assailant. Accomplishing…

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crime scene

Notorious Cold Cases Throughout The History

By | Criminal Defense | No Comments

There are numerous number of gruesome crimes that happen everyday in all parts of the world. People are aware of it. They get shock and horrified. But with its outgrowing occurrence in our society, people tend to forget. They move on but they get more careful with the impending dangers hovering around them. But as you try to be more cautious, there are still remnants. Remnants in the past which will forever etch a gruesome mark to your mind. As you get to know your rights in the area of criminal defense, you need to find out that there are…

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search warrant

The Things You Need To Know About Search Warrants

By | Criminal Defense | No Comments

Search Warrants A search warrant is an order or a document signed by a judge that authorizes a police officer for searching any specific thing or material at a certain place and time. The police officer can only search that is described or written in the warrant document. If the officers authorized have a warrant to search your car, then they are not allowed to search inside your house. For example, a search warrant may allow the police officers to search of “an apartment located at Floor 15, Berkley St., between the hours of 7pm-9pm for illegal drugs and paraphernalia,…

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Important Steps to Take Before Filing a Lawsuit

By | Uncategorized | No Comments

Filing a lawsuit is a very serious decision. It is something that should not be taken lightly. Whatever the outcome is, filing a lawsuit will make demands on your energy, time and finances. Before doing it, think it carefully and through step by step and consult an expert or legal advisor before moving forward. What is your goal? What is the best-case and worst-case scenario? Here are the important steps to take before you file a lawsuit: 1. Is It a Good Case or Not? The first question that you should ask yourself is; Is it really worth it? Even…

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Things You Need To Consider If You Need a Lawyer or Not

Things You Need To Consider If You Need a Lawyer or Not

By | Criminal Defense | No Comments

It Is a Serious Thing and You Need One If you have a serious case, a wise move is to hire a professional and trusted lawyer that will represent you in the court. It will be more complicated if you do not talk it with someone who is an expert about the laws. If you have a defender with you, you can discuss the strategies for your case, such as, where to file your lawsuit, file a response, ask for a jury, and many other things that will eventually come up during your case. Some people need lawyers because they…

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